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Home Automation

Advantages of Home Automation


Smart Home

We can easily add security devices routines automation, having access to recordings of the CCTV cameras, access to individual IP cameras on the network, establishing daily routines, receiving messages about is WHAT happening in your home at any given time, for example :
sensor programming.

"Starting from 18:00 pm the sensors S1, S2, S3 when activated will trigger the kitchen hallway lights at an intensity of 50% for 30 seconds"

 This command is interpreted by the automation that when it passes close to the sensor the same triggers for 30 seconds, passing again during this period the light keeps on and the counter resets to 30 seconds regressive, brought forth leaving always on when there is movement.

The same program can be used for the same sensors for safety routines, where the client after activating the house alarm the sensors can be programmed to fire the central, or even same dial the mobile phone customer, notifying the problem Feedback text or if the customer has a monitoring company the same be warned.

Remote access

Monitoring throughout the residence distance, you can see if lights were connected, if doors or windows were closed completely, cellar temperature control warning or central air conditioning or central splitter, all between Tablet or mobile phone.

These functions can be performed remotely or locally, some other functions:

Access control biometric or card.

Through registration of digital we can program different functions for each finger.

Finger - When placed in the same biometrics releases the door, rises a group of lights and turn on the TV in the living room if after 20:00, before this time just open the electric lock.

Middle Finger - When placed in biometrics releases the door during the day can turn on the air conditioning a given environment at a given temperature.

Finger left hand indicator - When placed in Biometrics releases the door, but can be made a record called income, where the customer can be rendered, being the victim of theft, the door will be released but automatically from a panicked Feedback will be sent to the security company or even dial for a phone to be desired, or the police.

Registration with card system.

Held to employees of a company or even a residence, each person has a card with a code embossed, among it can give privileges or controls, total or partial, thus enabling control of entry and exit times, restricts permissions to some areas, generating a monthly report control.

Control curtains.

controls possibilities for hours or sensors after set schedule closes the curtains of the corridors of the suites and open to the living of the corridors.

By sensors, can be a number or percentage of LUX, set the amount or percentage curtains can close or open.

central vacuum.

System integrated into home or business that can only connect a suction hose extension in various parts of the environment that the vacuum will turn on automatically, taking the waste to a central disposal, automation can be associated with full capacity of warnings reservoir.

Irrigation system.

It has sensors throughout the garden area to control functions such as moisture check the ground to be no need to irrigate in the event of heavy rain, sector control, thus being able to irrigate another location and another, more water economy.

You can also assign functions in automation that if at a party, put a button to turn off the irrigation time or command again.

Cellar and air conditioning temperature control.

Sensors capture the ambient temperature and remain at a predefined temperature

Wines tend to be between 14 to 16 degrees or even 18 degrees like type of wine, a thermostat controls the internal and external temperature of the winery, the winery stay oscillating between 18 and 20 degrees, automatically turns on cooling, and this temperature passes a certain Padra, a warning is sent to the customer's mobile wed his cellar is with high temperature.Air conditioners can be controlled and programmed to connect for a period of time during a specific time of the week, eg"Connecting the air conditioners the workshop from 8:00 pm to 09:00 pm for an hour Monday, Wednesday and Friday"
an email will be sent with the following sentence:

"Air conditional the studio hung up."

Day-to-day.Software for remote access is created an icon with the description: "Go home"Automatically the software calculates the route to be traveled, estimated time of 35 minutes to get home, opens the door, turns the hot pre set temperature, heats the bathroom floor and turns the TV on a favorite channel .
 The home automation is of great help in daily life, leaving an infinite network options to the customer's imagination and more of co workers and system administrators, thus having much more to offer to the customer.

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